A new report highlights the most promising jobs in the Adirondack region:

The report provides critical data for graduating seniors and local youth

Lake Placid, New York — A new report will offer seniors and local youth in the Adirondack region a valuable resource for future employment and career planning. The “Most Promising Jobs of the Adirondack North Country” report was developed in collaboration with the New York State Department of Labor and is designed to provide youth, families, educators and career seekers information about the Adirondacks job landscape.

“As the school year comes to a close and we celebrate the graduation of our seniors, the Adirondack Foundation is proud to publish this timely resource that provides invaluable information about the career opportunities available in our region, helping young people make informed decisions as they begin their education. and career paths,” said Cali Brooks, president and CEO of the Adirondack Foundation.

“As a community foundation, one of our priority areas is educational pathways,” said Jennifer Russell, vice president of grants and programs at the foundation. “The Foundation champions initiatives to close the gap between education and employment, ensuring that all students have opportunities to pursue meaningful and fulfilling livelihoods. By publishing this report, our goal is to support young people in their transition from high school to the workforce, giving them the tools they need to succeed in a rapidly changing economic landscape.”

The Hottest Jobs Report covers the North Country labor market, which includes Clinton, Essex, Franklin, Hamilton, Jefferson, Lewis and St. Lawrence counties. It details the jobs with the most openings over the next 10 years that are above the median wage, the educational pathways that lead to them and expected earnings, making the data accessible to people of all ages across the region.

The community is invited to explore the “Adirondack North Country’s Most Promising Jobs” report by visiting adirondackfoundation.org/promising jobs.

For more information about the Adirondack Foundation, visit adirondackfoundation.org or contact Lisa Bramen at (518) 523-9904 or lisa.bramen@adkfoundation.org.

Photo above: Cover of the “Most Promising Jobs of the Adirondack North Country” report. Image provided by the Adirondack Foundation.

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