Men pay me thousands to ‘control’ them | LOVE, DON’T JUDGE | Entertainment

MISTRESS Marley, 30, has an unusual occupation. “I make six figures a year telling men what to do,” she told Love Don’t Judge. “I started this job six years ago, fresh out of grad school. I took a job at a company, but I felt like I wasn’t making any money from it — I was so anxious.” Motivated by her dissatisfaction and desire for more, Marley Googled “how to make money online as a woman.” Webcamming came up as an option, but it wasn’t for her. Eventually, during her search, she stumbled upon women on the Internet who made a living telling men to send them money and controlling their bank accounts. Her first check came after she requested that her $50 lunch bill be paid. The money came immediately from a client, and her new career took off from there. Now Marley checks her online wallet every morning to see what her clients have sent her. “I had a client who sent me $1,000 to get me unblocked, two hours later she sent me $2,500,” she said. Marley’s job also involves her clients doing housework, errands and life management. During the episode, her regular client Beta comes to clean her house, which she enjoys. “She gives me tasks, I enjoy doing it. I feel safe with her, that if something goes wrong, she’s always there to protect me.” She continued, “Sometimes I feel like this is the purpose of my life. That I need to be of service to women, and especially Mistress Marley.” When asked what Beta gets out of this arrangement, Marley said, “As a reward, she gets to be in my presence.” Marley believes her job also has a deeper meaning, due to her culture. “95% of my clients are white men, as a black woman I see my job as repair.” Marley shares some aspects of her work online and others have also filmed her in action. One such post went viral, in which one of her clients was walking on a leash, and received harsh backlash, with some people sending her racist comments. She explained: “I had a white s**t on a leash, and all of a sudden I realised I was blowing up, going crazy. I had some people in my inbox calling me the n-word, saying ‘you should be on a white man’s leash.'” Despite these comments, Marley believes in what she’s doing. “This lifestyle has allowed me to create a better life for myself, I’ve been able to give myself that creative freedom to not feel like I’m behind bars or locked in a box. Judge all you want, but the money is coming into my account anyway.”

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