Naga Chaitanya and Sobhita Dhulipala tied the knot in an intimate but grand wedding celebration at Annapurna Studios in Hyderabad on December 4, 2024. Pictures and videos of the couple from their big day have taken the internet by storm. Chaitanya and Sobhita chose to keep their relationship under wraps for most of it until their engagement was officially announced by the former’s father and actor, Nagarjuna on August 8, 2024. Recently, though, the couple opened up about their bond, with Chaitanya revealing that he asked Sobhita to talk to him in Telugu so he could ‘improve’ his grasp over the language.
Naga Chaitanya reveals that hearing Sobhita Dhulipala speak Telugu drew him ‘closer much faster’
Newlyweds, Naga Chaitanya and Sobhita Dhulipala recently gave a tell-all interview to The New York Times, giving fans their first-ever insight into the couple’s relationship. Among the over 100 languages spoken in the nation, Chaitanya and Sobhita bonded over their shared mother tongue, Telugu. However, Chaitanya revealed that his command of the language wasn’t as strong as his now-wife’s due to his upbringing.
Chaitanya was born in Hyderabad, the capital of Telangana, where Telugu is widely spoken. However, when he was still young, he moved to Chennai, the capital of Tamil Nadu, where Tamil is the more commonly spoken language. Chaitanya resided there for nearly two decades, completing his education at Padma Seshadri Bala Bhavan and AMM School. He then moved back to Hyderabad and graduated from St. Mary’s College.
Having spoken Tamil for most of his life, Chaitanya wasn’t as proficient in Telugu as before. However, speaking Telugu with Sobhita had brought him closer to his roots and made him feel more at home. So, he kept telling her to talk to him more in the language so he could improve. Chaitanya further said:
“In our industry, we meet a variety of people from different languages. Just hearing that same texture and having that same warmth when you speak to someone — I think it just drew me closer so much faster.”
Naga Chaitanya loves that Sobhita Dhulipala is organic and ‘very deep with her words’
Further in the interview, Naga Chaitanya opened up about why he had gravitated towards Sobhita Dhulipala. The actor revealed that he loved the fact that the Made In Heaven star was ‘very, very deep with her words.’ He further cherished her realness, as her posts often reflected her personality. According to Chaitanya, Sobhita was the type of person to prefer blurry images and quotes over ‘glamourous’ or ‘PR savvy images.’ He further elaborated:
“With actors, sometimes we are trying to put something out there about our films or something about a product — most of it is staged in a way. So when something pops up that’s very organic and real about a person, I immediately gravitate to that kind of content.”
Sobhita Dhulipala reveals she planned her wedding in two months while shooting a film
In the interview, Naga Chaitanya and Sobhita Dhulipala also discussed their much-talked-about wedding in Hyderabad. Chaitanya described the wedding as ‘very small’ and ‘intimate.’ Sobhita added to what he said by stating that often people expect ‘more’ out of an ‘actor,’ but her wedding was more ‘pulled down,’ having been planned in two months while she was busy shooting for a project. In Sobhita’s words:
“I didn’t want to be burdened by that ‘more.'”
Describing their memorable nuptials, Sobhita stated it was a spiritual and ‘temple-like experience.’ Chaitanya and Sobhita drew heavily from the beauty and richness of South Indian culture and traditions, as they both hail from there.
What do you think about Naga Chaitanya’s revelations about Sobhita Dhulipala?
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