Should you get up at 5am every day? Experts say to consider these 5 key factors

Early morning waking has even become a TikTok trend coined “five to nine before nine to five,” where video montages illustrate a slow morning aesthetic of self-affirmations, workouts, and maybe even a head start on planning. for the work day. It can make the rest of the world feel lazy.

“The pressure of being a morning person is pretty intense,” says Samantha Snowden, a mindfulness teacher at Headspace, the popular meditation app.

So, will waking up at 5am make all the difference to your day? Some experts say yes.

For starters, getting up earlier can improve confidence, Snowden says, because it can feel like an accomplishment. And there’s something to be said for not constantly feeling like you’re in a rush, which only raises stress levels and negatively affects mental health.

“It’s like always feeling like you’re chasing a race you can’t win, which isn’t helpful for motivation or positivity,” says Dr. Nikole Benders-Hadi, a New York-based psychiatrist and medical director of behavioral health. from Includido Health, about a typical workday morning.

Slowing down helps our nervous system relieve gas and regulate our thoughts, Snowden says. And, if you can use those extra hours in the morning to make time for yourself in a way that calms you, it can boost productivity and make you feel less exhausted at the end of the day.

If you’re thinking about heading out before the sun, experts say you should keep the following in mind:

Don’t sacrifice sleep

Choosing to turn up the alarm shouldn’t come at the expense of sleep. Over time, lack of sleep can lead to negative mental health outcomes, such as anxiety and depression, and put people at risk for chronic illnesses such as heart disease.

“Everyone has a different type of job with different types of demands, and lack of sleep can present many challenges for us, in terms of emotion regulation (and) our ability to focus,” Snowden says. “These are great skills we need to get through the day, to be productive and do our jobs well, and to be present for our loved ones.”

More than a third of American adults do not sleep the recommended minimum of seven hours a night, according to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Prioritizing sleep means having good sleep hygiene, which which includes waking up at around the same time every day, limiting screens before bed, not consuming alcohol or caffeine in the evening, and having a wind-down routine.

“If getting up at 5 a.m. every morning creates a barrier to getting restful sleep, don’t do it,” says Benders-Hadi.

You can “slow down” your morning without having to get up very early

Waking up early helps reduce that uncomfortable feeling of being rushed. But Benders-Hadi says there are alternative, more gradual steps that can instill that feeling of slowness without sacrificing sleep.

One way is to narrow down your options or limit the number of things you need to decide in the morning of a busy day, when your stress levels tend to peak.

“Think about reorganizing your morning routine so you have less to do, for example. Lay out the clothes you plan to wear the night before,” says Benders-Hadi. “Prepare your breakfast and lunch in advance and do the same for the family members you are caring for.”

Snowden says you can spend an extra 10 minutes slowing down your pace (including walking a little slower to the shower in the morning), not checking email right away, and practicing a message of kindness. Some examples: “May my day be full of tranquility. Can I see a possibility today? May I walk into my first meeting with an optimistic attitude,” he says.

“You’re checking your body sensations, your mood that morning, and you’re observing it nonjudgmentally, honestly,” he says. “That sets the tone, that sets the pace, the speed (and) the pace of your morning.”

Know your strengths and weaknesses

Benders-Hadi recommends that we all be honest about whether a few more hours in the morning will improve our well-being. For those who work best without distractions, in a quieter environment, or who need a longer self-care routine to feel productive during the day, getting up early can help.

“You should also consider whether the change in routine will lead to greater productivity or if they will simply put more time into their day,” he says. “As for work, for example, do you have a set amount of work you need to do each day, where starting earlier allows you to finish earlier, or will getting up earlier simply add more to your plate?”

Don’t Expect to Adapt Right Away

Especially for night owls, choosing to get up earlier won’t make them feel comfortable right away. The body’s circadian rhythm, or natural biological clock, needs time to adjust to the new routine, Snowden says.

Instead, congratulate yourself for wanting to participate in something you find motivating and be patient, she says.

have an intention

On days when getting out of bed seems downright impossible, it’s important to make the intention to get up again, whether to improve your daily productivity or enjoy more time to read or exercise. Talking to other people who get up early in the morning can help you understand what motivates them. Wanting to follow a trend, especially on difficult days, will not be enough.

“You’re going to need to reconnect with your motivation,” Snowden says. “What drives you to this? And what do you imagine will be the benefits that you will actually enjoy and personally get from this?

For more information on how to improve your daily routine:

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