The Huntsville reality TV personality was 42 years old

Keke Jabbar, a reality television personality from Love and Marriage: Huntsvillehas passed away. He was 42 years old.

LaTisha Moore Scott, a cast member on the OWN reality series and Jabbar’s cousin, shared a post on social media.

“At this time we ask for RESPECT and PRIVACY in this time of grief, as we process this great loss!” Scott shared on Instagram. “This is difficult for our family!!!!!”

Jabbar’s death was reported by YouTube vlogger Marcella Speaks, who read a statement from the family saying the reality star died “peacefully at home surrounded by love.”

“She was a mother, a sister, a great friend, full of life, love and laughter. We will miss her dearly,” Speaks read.

Jabbar and Scott had an infamous feud throughout their life together on the reality show. Their strained relationship was documented by cameras with tense moments between them.

In a scene from a recent season, Jabbar and Scott had a confrontation that ended with Jabbar throwing a drink in Scott’s face.

Earlier this year, Jabbar faced accusations of taking hard drugs and using another person’s urine to pass a drug test.

“I have never done any kind of hard drugs,” Jabbar said in the Love and Marriage: The Huntsville Meeting after being confronted by the show’s producer Carlos King. “I’ve never taken anything, heroin, cocaine, crack… I’ve never taken any of that.”

King asked Jabbar if she had been sober during filming, to which she replied yes.

Love and Marriage: Huntsville It follows three high-ranking African-American couples who are long-time friends as they team up to revitalize the thriving town of Huntsville, Alabama, through their joint real estate venture, The Comeback Group.

King’s Kingdom Reign Entertainment produces the I love marriage franchise, with ITV America also acting as producer.


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