17 Worst First Date Experience Stories


“I got ghosted (before the term was invented, we called it ‘Myspace angled’). It was literally my first date. I met a girl on Myspace who lived 30 minutes away from me and was going to the same small college I was going to in the fall. We connected and decided to meet up. I showed up at her house with flowers and was all dressed up. I was greeted at the door by her parents and brother. The dad was in the military and was questioning me. I was nervous and felt awkward. After 10 minutes, she finally came downstairs. She was dressed like she was going to prom and is the same woman from the pictures, just about 100 pounds heavier. She gave me a quick hug and gave me a printed picture of her. Besides being ‘Myspace angled’ and feeling obligated to ask her out, she proceeded to tell me what our future life would be like. We would be the ‘it couple’ on campus and then get married after graduation. Again, this was my first date.”

“Luckily, dinner ends quickly. But she was like, ‘Oh, it’s still early, didn’t you say we should watch a movie?’ Since I’d never been on a date before, my reaction was, ‘Yeah, let’s watch this new horror movie. ‘ She said she wasn’t a big horror fan, so this would ruin the date. I asked her and she said it was a great idea.

When I got home, he kept texting and calling me to ask if I had gotten home okay. I told him I had and that I was going to sleep.

The next day, I started trying to stop being with her. She didn’t like that and I told her outright, “I’m sorry. I didn’t feel the spark. Besides, I think it would be better if we both attended college single.” She cried and demanded a few more dates. I refused.

A few weeks later, in the summer, we have a pre-freshman orientation. There I met a woman who was 100% more my type and we hit it off. We became a long-distance relationship.

Around this time, the catfish started calling me and bothering me. She said she heard I was dating someone else. She kept calling me, texting me, and messaging me on AIM and Myspace. I had to block her.

College started and of course she was living in my dorm (as was the girl I was dating long distance). We eventually broke up and after that my lover would “meet me” on campus. She would create new AIM accounts all the time and send me messages about how she was dying of cancer and her last wish was to sleep with me.

Eventually, she disappeared, stopped bothering me, and dropped out of that university at the end of the semester.”


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